Kako liječiti opekline od zavarivanja?

Zavarivanje je opasno zanimanje koje nosi rizik od opeklina i drugih ozljeda. Znati kako liječiti...

Nikal 200 Zavarivanje

Nikal 200 Zavarivanje Nickel 200 welding can be done by any welding process, but the...

Proizvodi li zavarivanje zračenje?

Does welding produce radiation? Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal by...

Materijali kojima se zavaruje u zrakoplovnoj industriji

Material used in the aerospace industry The aerospace industry is one of the most advanced...

Pregled i vrste postupaka elektro otpornog zavarivanja

In the description of this group of procedures, the word electric welding is usually omitted...

Inspekcija fluorescentnim magnetskim česticama

Inspection with fluorescent magnetic particles Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection (FMPI) is a non-destructive testing (NDT)...

Što je zavarivanje punktiranjem

What is a butt weld? A welded joint is a type of seam or joint...

Što je talište metala

There are a number of factors to consider when selecting metals for high temperature applications...

Zavarivanje vs lotanje

What is soldering? When comparing brazing and brazing welding, both brazing and brazing are joining...

Bronca i brončane legure

What is bronze? Bronze is an alloy of copper (Cu) and tin (Sn) as the...

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